Saturday, August 07, 2021

Poor & Needy

I admit, Lord, that I am poor and needy. One tiny wrinkle in the rug can cause me to fall on my face and become helpless. One small blip in the economy can cause my investments to come crashing down and make all my careful planning useless. One short look in the wrong direction can change the course of my life and send me hurtling toward spiritual destruction. Yes, Lord, I admit that I am poor and needy, but I must also admit how often I try to minimize me neediness in foolish ways.

Instead of trusting You to comfort me when I fall, I refuse to get out of my comfortable chair. Instead of trusting You to protect me during times of trouble, I keep trying to fortify my own security system. Instead of believing that You know the way I should go, I keep looking over my shoulder to find an easier route.

Help me to learn, loving Father, that a life worth living is found not in being safe but in trusting Your protection. Indeed, there is no other God like You, for You not only tell me these things but You also show me these things.   

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