Monday, February 11, 2013


Berjaya Times Square Theme Park – that’s the venue for Kendra’s 5th birthday party this year. From hotels, Kendra has moved up a tier higher :) Every year, Stewart will invite me to Kendra’s celebration bash, for me; it was also an opportunity to meet-up & catch-up with the old gang – this year, Stewart have added additional new family members besides Celtic & Mrs. Simon – the new comers are James, Stephanie & Eunice. I chatted passionately with these lovely people. I have also seen Kendra growing up, from being a very reserved & silent child over the years, she has now become more chirpy,self-confident and has an amazing personality. Having a social gathering in a theme park is certainly a grand idea. All the children will sure get to enjoy themselves with all of the multiple rides that are on offer. It is fun, good for bonding session and giving the child a brand new adventure. I wanted to go on some of the rides (i'm generally a pretty excitable person...), but I shy away…I am way out of these children age range :) I also want to start displaying a little more maturity in front of  the people who are as the same age as me. The birthday girl has a Hello Kitty birthday cake this year; cute. In the end, I have a great time :)

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