Sunday, September 06, 2015

a high-performance focus

He will try. But he does have a memory issue.

Adoi…Tommy is so right.
What happen was…during the Marketing meeting…Miguel was lamenting…that Miguel likes the French Marketing processes…then I pointed myself to Miguel…indicating that I was once attached with the French, thus I understand very well the French system and most importantly; I am the right candidate. At first, this Miguel doesn’t get it. Then, Miguel realizes…but this celaka Marcus pula go and suggest to hire someone else from The English. Adoi. Spoil my plan. Then, Miguel final words to me was to convince Marcus. Sigh…

Nonetheless – THANK YOU GOD, PRAISE TO THE LORD, BLESS YOU GOD – another opportunity for me to remind Miguel :)
Yes, I am indeed that desperate. Hahaha…

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