Thursday, September 17, 2015

Just My Rotten Luck

Finally…both Ramly & Pietro understands…understand that The Witch indeed has problems.

(1) Ramly is very concern. If The Witch can convey the wrong message to us, The Witch can also convey the wrong message or information back to Miguel & Maximoff. Hahaha…I just told Ramly…with The Witch…I can’t differentiate what is white, what is black anymore…biar lah…if she want to cucuk, cucuk lah.

(2) The Witch said that our team has additional slots for the coming Press Ad. I ask – how come…The Witch said that it’s good…she did not explain why and I assume that she also don’t know why…and I was right…it was not more slots for us…it was only in different language newspapers. See…she as a SCM also don’t know and can’t even explain…sigh...sad...

(3) Rupa-rupanya…while Ramly & Alice was in China for their buying trip…when Pietro & myself did not reply her in the WatsApp group…The Witch got so mad…and tell Ramly & the suppliers that we are so rude & disrespectful to her. Then, when The Witch come back and has a meeting with us…she burns us for not replying all of the messages.

(4) During the Tuesday meeting…The Witch really bashes Pietro teruk teruk – she challenges Pietro…sigh…

(5) Ramly also notice that The Witch's listening, understanding & interpretation of things also does not run concurrently…in one of their conversation…The Witch keep on saying the ceremony takes place at night…but in actual fact…according to the supplier…it’s early in the morning…that is a big difference of time zone ya.

(6) This is the funny part…Ramly said that The Witch mention that we cannot do this, we cannot do that…it's sinful...The Witch act like a Buddhist Monk…but in actual reality…The Witch also do all of the above…hahaha…

(7) I only feel insecure about 1 thing. When The Witch bashes Ramly & Pietro…every time, she does that…The Witch like to use me as a benchmark…praise me sky high in front of them…scared only that both Ramly & Pietro will have ill feelings of me and go against me. Ramly can feel the tension & comparison already. I also naughty…I bullshit back…The Witch likes to compare me with Gerrard.

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