Sunday, June 12, 2016

The One Percent

Ok…one of my Stationery Suppliers called me up the other day…it seems that Brian have hinted that Brian will not be long with G13. This supplier also complain that this Brian…is always on MC or on EL…sounds like Brian wants to avoid work or The Witch…hahaha…Brian also cannot overpower The Witch? Cannot be ar

Then, during Ramly’s wedding a couple of months back…Lionel also mention that one of the Alice’s buyers is also leaving. Can never be Pietro. I suspect it was Fandi.

Then, in the WatsApp Chat Group which consists of Marcus, The MFT Director, Paige & Myself…below conversations was transpire:
The MFT Director: When rejoin G13.
Marcus: Ya lo.
Paige: Ya stationery dept got vacancy.
Marcus: Bryan confirmed leaving?

Hmmm…think I got the chance to go back there…selagi this Alice is still the SCM…no chance…Miguel & Maximoff will offer to Harriet instead. The both of them know that I cannot be under Alice anymore. And I also believe that Harriet will take it. Unless…just maybe…they remove Alice…then, I might have the chance. Dream on!

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