Saturday, November 08, 2014

BH6 10”

Of course, I am very sad that I am no longer under Ursula.
At times, I will choked up and tear up occasionally. We have a love-and-hate relationship. It’s tough love from her. Nonetheless, this separation may be a good thing after all. I mean, during her first year with Pietro, Pietro have a very good life and the both of them were very close. But by the second year, Pietro was killed off and was being tortured continuously. Same goes with Christy. I could be like them as well. I don’t know what will happen to me in my second year with Ursula. It could be good, or it could be bad. At least, now that we have gone on our own separate ways…I still have a good impression about her, she still have a good feeling of me. We are still in good terms with each other.

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