Saturday, November 08, 2014


Wednesday – Ursula drop by at my room, asking for directions to Citta Mall in Ara Damansara. There is another farewell dinner going on for The General. I am actually quite surprise that she do not know the way. She could have asked for the directions from Shawn or Gerrard. I am just surprised that she asks me. Or just maybe, that she wants to make conversations with me. Perasan pula. Ursula also ask is the parking is outdoor or indoor…is there jockey parking. Hahaha...

Then, Ursula asks me to help her to check on the Wednesday meeting minutes. I told her that my English is also not that good. Then, she starts to mumble again, like how she used to. Something along the line of favoritism, took pictures of other departments but no pictures on her department, no team work, some new project with the Supply Chain Director, did a good job for the store downstairs & are now being thrown with another new challenge…

I only told Ursula this:
You have 2 daughters; you are bound to favor one than the other.
You know what kind of image that you have, what kind of impression of others have on you.
Your ambition drives you…you derives from it…you feeds on it…The Ice Queen wants to leave a legacy. You want to become a legend. You want the highest office of all.

I think she pengsan...hearing my blunt answers :)

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