Sunday, March 15, 2015

I'm a silly billy

Tommy & I have a floor walk on last week Monday.
Actually, it was not that bad. Overall the stationery performance is not that bad too. I mean, Don Philip did an analysis…only 2 categories fall under the Questionable quadrant which are the Magazines/Newspapers and Seasonal. Both of these categories are service items. The rest of the categories are well position as Winners, Profit Generator and Traffic Builder. So overall, I think it’s healthy. There is not much of a brand gap here as well. Merchandise gap…yes, a bit here and there…as a matter of fact G13 carries more brands and a broader range compare to The English. I just need to fill in a bit of the missing merchandise gap only. But the biggest problem that both of us have identified is to further enhance the look & feel of the department. Stationery is boring…it is not as lively & colorful and as lifestyle oriented compare to Alice & Pietro’s department.

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