Saturday, July 11, 2015

five operations a day

Who kutuk Pietro?

Marcus told me...Miguel have plans for transfer me to Pietro’s categories...but Marcus have no idea where Miguel will put Pietro thereafter...fired Pietro maybe...OMG...the luggage new concept...also Miguel help to execute least 70% of it is coming from Miguel, the rest only done by Pietro. Hmm...

Then, this morning...Christy also tell me something...don’t know true or false the news is...apparently, the CEO knew about Pietro’s poor performance. The CEO doesn’t know anyone of us that well...that means...someone must have back stab Pietro from behind...but who is the I know...there is no one...unless is eliminate weak team members...or Miguel or Maximoff. I don’t think the rest of our colleagues are that kepo.

But I also recalled back that on one particular day...when I was with Paige & the MFT Director, both of them told me...that...Tommy got said in front of Mr. Horton that Tommy can do all of the work without Pietro. Oh dear...

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