Saturday, February 22, 2014


Ursula has been teaching me on a lot of things lately. She never once teaches me on the product and its technical aspect…but teaches me on how to actually grow the business, how to be a marketer, how to have a good marketing proposals, never on buying because she thinks that everyone can buys but how to drive the business. I have the product, need to link it to the leaflets or press ad as a form of exposure, the right display method (fully utilizing the power wings, end gondolas, offer bins), the right quantities to pump in, the pricing format, the right communication visuals and the right strategies to go with it. I know what are my Top 1 & 2 range of items…however as stationery relies on a collective range to generate sales…Ursula also wants me to find my supporting Top 3 items as well. I feel like I am starting my buying/merchandise career all over again. Ursula also told me to slow down a little, pace myself well, take the time to consider, really listen, pay attention, focus, think, evaluate on every actions and decisions, don’t bulldoze all the way so quickly. She says that I and Sabrina are very much alike here. But Sabrina bulldoze over things much faster than I do. This is where Ursula is very different from my previous bosses. My previous bosses helps me to grow the business together with them…but with Ursula, its like...she is helping me to help myself, to grow myself as an individual. I’ve never get such advice before. My previous bosses have highlighted to me what are my strengths and of course, they do touches on my weaknesses and the areas that I need to improve on – which is job related. How to get things done more efficiently, how to fully maximize the limited time & resources that are available, what are the better negotiating techniques to use, how to squeeze more from the suppliers etc. But Ursula seems to goes one step deeper – it’s all about the attitude, behavior, character, growth, mentality, personality.

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