Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Love & Misadventure

This is what Stewart thought of Harriet – first impression wise.
Harriet is wild, vocal and wants the title.
And oh, rupa-rupanya…Jonas is afraid that Jonas cannot manage Harriet.

I don’t think Harriet is the wild type. Vocal…I am not so sure. All Tommy & Zurick commented was that Harriet is very lazy & slow in doing things. Stewart finds that Harriet can talk…but is not ready to be at the leadership level yet. It seems that The English side has not been promoting Harriet (Harriet has been with The English for the past 6 years) and all of Harriet’s colleagues that have moved elsewhere have already been promoted. Thus, Harriet felt a bit frustrated and the title is sort of important to Harriet. Harriet also finds that The English is pretty restrictive…well, I think that Harriet’s relationship with Tommy is like the kind of relationship that I have with Alice. I think Tommy really restricts Harriet a lot.

We shall see…

Emerson also got share with me that Maximoff rejected Harriet when Harriet went over to G13 for interview. Wah...

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