Monday, February 01, 2016

The Map To Everywhere

Adoi…headache…today is my first day reporting to work at The Japanese side.

On one side – it’s good to see the familiar faces again.

On the other side…the visibility in running the business is quite a challenge.

I still insist on building up the good habits that I have learn from Maximoff, Miguel, Ursula & Marcus.

Stewart & Celtic still sees me as a kid…as a freshie…ok, I just lay low, sit back & relax for now. When the right times comes…I will show them the confidence, the poise, the knowledge, the capability that I have. I am no longer the J___ that they used to know from the last time.

Now I understand why Maximoff, Miguel, Emerson, Tommy may look down on the other people…the visibility on their business is so much better than the rest.

How long can I last?

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