Sunday, February 28, 2016

Urban Decay

After Celtic & myself left The French for G13…Stewart have appointed Lee Nee as Stewart’s proxy.

According to Stephanie, Celtic is a bit gila kuasa…Celtic doesn’t favor the idea that Lee Nee is the proxy. Celtic wants to be the proxy...hahaha...

Celtic told me that Captain Johnson is quite keen to groom Lee Nee and may have the idea to split Team Baz into 2 – Lee Nee & Stewart’s territory.

Celtic also share that Lee Nee may want to eat into Stewart’s territory.

However by the look of it…I don’t think so. I think Celtic thinks too much...hahaha...

Henry (over lunch the other day) told me that Lee Nee is a very bossy & demanding boss but nice as a person. There are at times that Henry disagrees with Lee Nee, bring up the issue to Stewart…expecting Stewart to do something about it but Stewart did not. Instead, Stewart advises Henry to listen or to re-check with Lee Nee. Henry thinks that Stewart doesn’t want to offend Lee Nee because Lee Nee helps and assist Stewart in many areas. So in return…I guess…Stewart gives Lee Nee the freedom to do whatever that Lee Nee wants.

Oh, by the way…Ursula is Lee Nee’s SCM back in G13. No wonder, I see the pattern also sama serupa a bit :)

Then, on the other day…Stewart holds a discussion with Jonas & Jonas’s team. When it comes to Lee Nee’s turn…Stewart has to ask (sort of like permission to me) whether Lee Nee wants Stewart to brief Lee Nee first, then Lee Nee will brief the team or Stewart to brief all of them all at the same time.

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