Thursday, November 28, 2019

fixtures and fittings

Lantak lah...

Today, this Erin caught me off-guard...teruk betul lah this also want to ask...what happen was...Erin ask me; in front of Marcus & Mr. Horton's Secretary...the email (which need to email over to the Finance Dept); regarding the Sales Recovery Plan...who else need to email to...I mention other people's name, except for Mr. Horton's Secretary...hahaha...tak kisah lah...I know that this Erin & Mr. Horton's Secretary are very close. The Supplier Night Gala Dinner, Mr. Horton's Secretary pun tak email I...why must need to involve Mr. Horton's Secretary in this pula...if Mr. Horton's Secretary consider me as a team member, Mr. Horton's Secretary will email me...Mr. Horton's Secretary langsung tak buat tau...all of Miguel & SW's email regarding the Supplier Night Gala Dinner which kept me in the loop...I am also very sure that this Mr. Horton's Secretary went and met them personally to settle the issue or reply back to them without cc me because I don't even receive one single email pertaining to the matter from Mr. Horton's Secretary at all...yes, I kecil hati betul...sigh...

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