Saturday, October 03, 2015

Devilishly Good Debut

Work Tales – Event 1.

Emerson drops by at my room.

(1) Emerson enquire how am I doing under The Witch currently. I guess people like Emerson, Marcus & My Source who have work with Alice previously…they know how it is like and knows how I am feeling at the moment.

(2) Emerson advises me that I need to speak out for myself. Emerson knows how I feel. Emerson knows that I am suffering in a way.

(3) Emerson also tells me that Miguel also knows that I am suffering too.

(4) Emerson would like to help me…to speak on behalf for me…but Emerson is not the right person nor in the right place to do so.

(5) Emerson cannot keep on speaking on my behalf…Miguel knows about my situation but Miguel also needs to hear from my side of the story as well.

(6) Emerson said that Alice & Miguel are actually not that close…but Alice wants it to be that close. Hahaha…

(7) According to Emerson, Alice also got bitch about Pietro & me…but I felt that Emerson doesn’t believe what Alice is saying.

(8) Emerson ask me to approach Miguel…inform Miguel about my problems…see what Miguel can help.

(9) And now this is the most shocking part of the conversation – Emerson told me…don’t know how true lah…that Miguel actually cares about me and the both of them do see me as a potential. That I only needs guidance. Wah…

(10) Emerson also praise me…Emerson also hears a lot of good & positive feedback from the suppliers about me previously.

(11) Emerson acknowledges that I am a very proactive person…Emerson can feel it when Emerson was still attach with The English…on how I will react towards Emerson’s strategy.

(12) I also asked Emerson on how to manage Alice. Emerson told me that there is no way to manage her. You can make the relationship better by being a Yes man...but Emerson pointed out that I am not a Yes person.

(13) Emerson also got hear on how Alice speaks on the phone, talking to the suppliers and also from the supplier's feedback...I think Emerson come to a conclusion that Alice memang tak boleh pakai langsung.

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