Friday, October 09, 2015

Malik & Asrul

Ursula called me this morning:

(1) Gerrard started work already at the new place. Ursula had dinner with Gerrard, together with some suppliers. According to Ursula, Gerrard seems to be happy and Ursula is also happy that Gerrard get to do something new too.

(2) Ursula wants to remove Christy. But Maximoff says no. Christy is your buyer. You have to manage her. You have to bring out the best in her. Maximoff told off Ursula like that.

(3) Ursula thinks that Pietro is hopeless.

(4) The Witch got kutuk me in front of Ursula. I am not surprise if Alice kutuk me in front of Miguel, Maximoff, Marcus, Amelia, Emerson, Ursula and the whole wide world.

(5) The Witch complains that I don’t know how to collect more buying income, I am very reluctant to do so, I am not supportive of her, I don’t contribute to the team.

(6) The Witch said that she understands how Ursula feels when Ursula was managing me.

(7) Ursula (i felt was on my side) told Alice – she is your buyer right now. You have to manage her. She has been like that since Leonardo’s time, since my time. She went through the most SCM changes. Hahaha…

(8) I am the type of person who has a very high level of self awareness of myself. I know what my strengths, my weaknesses are. I am not afraid to acknowledge my flaws, I admit to my mistakes and I am not shy to ask for help either. I am not good at multitasking. I can only do one thing at a time.

(9) Ursula said that I need guidance only. The only way to manage me is to understand my department more than I do so that I won’t kelentong. Hahaha…true...Ursula really puts in the effort to learn.

(10) Ursula thinks that I admire her for her positive thinking. Nope. So wrong. I like that Ursula is a genius when it comes to business skills, she see & thinks differently and she is one of those rare people who can help me to focus and removes the clutters & noises for me. Celtic, Seth, Stewart, Rufus, Tommy & Ursula – for them…to the moon and back.

(11) Whatever, The Witch wants to complain, she can complain. I lalalala only.

(12) My weakness, my shortcomings, I will compensate it back in another way.

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