Sunday, April 20, 2014

every dirty laundry has a story

Hmm…I am wondering...if this Ursula can shared with me what strategies that Shawn currently employs, how Gerrard overcome a particular difficult or challenging situation or suppliers, example of business inputs from Shawn & Gerrard’s department, each of Shawn, Gerrard, Christy & Sabrina’s strengths and weaknesses…that means this Ursula, whether directly or indirectly also shares my way of doing things & my character or behaviour with them. OMG! Some more this Ursula also knows that I hardly mix around with them, therefore all of us cannot cross-check on anything. So, whatever I am doing at the moment; whether it's right or wrong - they will know. OMG! I am also very sure, that this Ursula will also ask them for any new ideas on how to further improve the Stationery Portfolio or what it is lacking off.

I am very grateful that Ursula provides me with a lot of examples and inputs based on her experience. Not all of it can be applicable to the Stationery Department though. I also try to fit in the stationery business model into the furniture, luggage, toys, outdoor business perspective…hopefully, with a little bit of fine-tuning, Ursula & I can get the momentum right. Because at the moment, I think that the both of us really have no idea on how to run the stationery business correctly, we are clueless on where to attack & to defend. There is no good example around for us to refer to. Even after the implementation of Phase 1, Phase 2 & Phase 3 that we are currently doing – the impact is still not there yet. It's very minimal. Ursula wants the WOW factor. I can also see that Ursula is already getting very impatient and annoyed…with me…because Ursula feels...if Ursula can do such a nice story line or display for the Appliance and Auto/DIY section – why can’t she do it for the Stationery Department then? Sigh…this raging red bull is charging towards me very fast. Ursula is going to come after me soon; anytime now. I will be a piece of dead meat.

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