Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Trustee Bar & Bistro

:( I have been under Ursula’s charge for 6 months now. Ursula said that she is coming. Meaning that, her actual character will start to surface very soon. She will no longer play nice with me. She will start to be more demanding, more pushy, more bossy, more evil. Noted. I got her message loud & clear. Yes, I know that I need to speed up on my work, work smarter, prioritize well. I am okay if I fall short. Just like the fact that I am okay that I am indeed a big kid. It’s the truth. I don’t feel guilty about it. I don’t feel embarrassed of it. I am not ashamed of it. I admit it. You know what…from today onwards; I am just going to practice gratitude, praise to the LORD everyday, to acknowledge and to celebrate the good things in my life as they happen. Enjoy the moment and silence the skeptics within. I will let go of what people think of me. I will let go of perfection. I will let go of numbing & powerlessness. I will let go of scarcity & the fear of the dark. I will let go of the need for certainty. I will let go of comparison. I will let go of exhaustion as a status symbol & productivity as self-worth. I will let go of anxiety as a lifestyle. I will let go of self-doubt & ‘supposed to’. I will let go of being cool & ‘always in control’. Most importantly, is to practice the 10 points of what I should do in my 30s :)

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