Sunday, December 04, 2016

Inspiration Requires Purpose

Madam Kwan’s, Empire Subang – dinner with Madeleine, Baldwin & Celtic. Unfortunately Marcus cannot join us.

I think The French is still the best. A really good playground with a proper system, processes & structure. Of course The English really top it off as well. G13 is because of the number of stores that they have. Other than that, I don’t see how great their buying team is. Maybe out of 100%, only 40% of them are good.

So Baldwin & Madeleine was reminiscing on the good old days…hahaha…Madeleine also ask Baldwin whether Baldwin’s current pay is as good compare to G13 as Baldwin now is attach to the supplier’s side doing import/export. Baldwin say lower salary compare to G13.

GOD – really there is no breakthrough? I think my strength lies in Category Management. And I will follow-up on what Miguel have said to me before, if I want to do the promotion thingy, I must show that I can and know how. That is world class. Celtic is only good in that tiny job scope square but not outside of it. So I have to accelerate and learn.

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