Sunday, January 20, 2013

Reply from 1997

The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown – the first book that I have finished reading for 2013 :) The plot is well pace but at times I find the contents or concepts confusing, I can’t fully grasp with the definition of 33rd Degree Mason, Smithsonian Institution, Noetic Science, Masonic Rituals but I was impressed that there is such a thing as breathable oxygenated liquid. It’s like you are drowning but you are not drowning. No doubt the story line may be hazy to me at times but it’s fun and Dan Brown has a very well balance mix of cultural boundaries in this book – between Christian & Pagan, sacred and secular, ancient and modern – if it is not tastefully done well, it can be extraordinarily messy. The book was still a page-turner, and that Dan Brown is a maze maker who builds a puzzle and then walks you through it. His genius lies in uncovering odd facts and suppressed history, stirring them together into a complicated stew and then saying, What If. I was more entertained by Angels and Demons & The Da Vinci Code though. When it comes to religion & spirituality, it’s all about faith, about believing. The Bible is also a book compilation by people. Written with good intentions for the good of mankind. Like most religious texts around the globe, it contains veiled instructions for harnessing humanity's natural God-like qualities — and is not meant to be interpreted as the commands of an all-powerful deity. This interpretation has been lost amid centuries of scientific skepticism and fundamentalist zealotry. I am sure that when the time is right, its re-discovery will usher in a new era of human enlightenment where humans will lead better, fulfilled, spiritual and happy lives.

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