Saturday, November 16, 2013

a tale for the time being

This fuels my curiosity even further. Ursula said; better don’t start doing on the Range Review first. Reason being – there are a lot of things that needs to be follow-up. Who doesn't know that. What the…I don’t buy Ursula’s answers. I felt that she is indeed hiding something. Every Buyer in the division has already started on their range review project except for Baldwin’s furniture and myself. I think Pietro, Alice, Madeleine, Christy, Gerrard and Ramly almost completed theirs. Nonetheless, I also think that it’s a good idea that I am the last one to do it. I also rather kick off the project next year. Let me clear off my BTS, Christmas, CNY and all of the pending paperwork first. I can then start to manage the 2014 Contract Negotiation and the Range Review project hand in hand. Still, Ursula's reluctance or timing worries me a little.

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