Sunday, November 17, 2013

Man vs Food

Am I the childish one here or is Ursula being childish herself? Twice in a week – Ursula ask me to say Thank You to her.

Scene 001 – Ursula was on her way out from her office, heading for the Senawang store visit with both Gerrard & Shawn. Then, one of the Ordering Team MA passed a piece of paper for Ursula to sign. Coincidently, the document was regarding my department and I was right in front of her. Ursula asks me to say thank you before proceeding to sign off the document. In front of all the other MAs. Ursula treated me like a kid like that (how will the other MAs look at me from now on? it’s like Ursula had me under her thumb), I was caught by surprise and it didn’t leave me with any room to maneuver or to react.

Scene 002 – fortunately that this time around, it took place in my room. Ursula drop by just to tell me that The General approve the Christmas clearance list. Still…

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