Friday, March 21, 2014

Thyme Out

Ursula called for a meeting in Shawn’s room the other day. The attendees were Shawn, Gerrard, Sabrina and myself. Again, Christy was nowhere to be seen. I am not sure on why Christy did not attend the meeting. Is it because Christy was also attending another meeting at the same time? During the meeting, Ursula brief us that we will be getting a new DC report from Paige which we need to analyze them. Once done, we are to email back to Ursula on our inputs. In the evening, Ursula blast out the email to all of us. Christy did not attend the meeting but Christy's name was in the email loop. Ursula also cc the email copy into her own personal email address. I guess she decided to bring back the homework and do it at home. Then, the next day – Ursula didn’t come to work. Okay…I give her the benefit of the doubt…but I think she ponteng kerja :) This is because on every Wednesday, all of the SCMs have to be in the leaflet marketing meeting for the whole day. Ursula did comment to me that it was a waste of her time and there was this one time that she ponteng kerja so that she can accomplish more of her office work at home. Then, on the following day, Ursula replied back the analysis report back to Paige, indicating the feedback for Sabrina & Christy’s departments have already been done. Wah…this Ursula do for them…didn’t do for Shawn, Gerrard and myself :) Pilih kasih. Never mind, I want to be independent and hands-on anyway. The issue here is that, Christy did not attend the meeting in the first place, but received the email on the report, yet no need to do anything because Ursula did it on will Christy feel? So hurtful. So mean of Ursula...

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