Tuesday, March 04, 2014

what grows together, goes together

Another one-to-one session with Ursula today :( Headache!

(1) Ursula says that I am slow. I need to keep up and speed up.

(2) I am very stubborn. Ursula doesn’t like the consignment concept and she is pro-indent. I think my non-core business should be outsource to competent third party vendors that are specialize in their field and are in-tune with the current market trend. My local suppliers are strong enough to support and the customer favors the local brands as well. No doubt, indent margins are way much better.

(3) According to Ursula, I still pusing around at times. I don’t know which part is that…all I know is that I have been keeping things very open & transparent.

(4) This one statement really got me angry. If wrong – admit that you are wrong. If I don’t want to admit it in front of Ursula, I have to admit it to myself. What the fuck…all I can remember is that if I am wrong or I did something wrong, I have told directly and the whole truth, nothing but the truth to Ursula. I did not hide anything from her. Even if I know that she will get upset, I will also surrender and say – don’t scold me first.

(5) Ursula compared me to Jonas. She feel that Jonas knows how to be more selective in terms of item selections and I like to do a category discount, which might affect the overall department margin.

(6) I menyampuk her a lot. That day she herself mention to me that she do not want someone who is a yes-man. Everything also she says.

(7) I have ideas, I have plans but I don't know how to tie everything up. I am not a finisher...yet.

Fine…now, if Ursula asks me one question, I will only answer that question. I also have to ensure that our future meeting will be more productive. This Ursula likes to pusing until don’t know where and then divert my attention to somewhere else. I mean it’s good that Ursula is providing me with such inputs. Which I don’t get previously. I need to get the feel of the business and to experiment. OK – I will give everything (good or bad) a chance and embrace everything with a bigger heart. I am not going to let Ursula’s comments to affect and influence me. Of course, I want to be better but most importantly, is to be me. Be myself. I have my good personality, and I have my naughty individuality, but I’m not berating myself for them.

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