Sunday, January 31, 2016

Ben Frees

12 Time Management Tips

1. Only go through your mail or emails once. Don’t save them -- answer them right away.

2. Block out time each day where you're totally disconnected.

3. Schedule meetings back to back, but leave time at the end of each one to quickly jot some notes to remember key takeaways.

4. Avoid going to meetings because you think you need to be there. Either you definitely do, or you definitely don’t. Be decisive.

5. Carefully review your calendar every now and then to see how you’ve been spending your time. This is one of the best ways to realize that you're probably wasting more time than you should.

6. It might seem counterintuitive, but take time to work out. It gives you energy to be much more efficient.

7. Set tough but realistic deadlines for yourself. We usually take longer to do things when we give ourselves more time.

8. Get a good night’s sleep.

9. Use the time you spend on airplanes to work on something that can’t be rushed. The forced isolation for a set period of time takes away the pressure of figuring stuff out super fast. Less pressure = more thoughtfulness.

10. Purge, delete and throw out unnecessary emails and paper as well as any other clutter. And do it often.

11. When you hit a roadblock with one of your multiple projects, move to the next. Don’t keep hitting a brick wall.

12. Always wrap up a projects for the day at a point that will be easy to pick up the next day.

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