Thursday, January 14, 2016

Stay In The Kitchen

The Witch came back to the office this morning from her Hong Kong Toy Fair. Upon arriving at the office, The Witch went to see Ursula. She told Ursula – see I told you…Ursula said – told me what…The Witch say – that she (meaning me) will leave once she get her bonus…Ursula said that Alice didn’t tell her that…then Alice say…oh, maybe I told Marcus. Hahaha…I take it that The Witch wants to jaga her air muka…she wants to tell people that she is right about me…

Ursula said that I commented on Alice is another version, Alice commented on me is another version…I told Ursula…I am leaving already…it doesn’t matter anymore…you use your heart to judge…but I think Ursula is on my side a little lah…because Ursula said this…every time got someone, criticize…got another one, criticize…got another one, criticize…I am also no angel as well :)

Ursula said that Alice is jealous of me…I replied – jealous of what…Alice is a SCM, she is a mother of 3, I have nothing…she is even more successful than me. But secretly I know…why Alice is jealous of me…because I am likeable…Miguel & Maximoff sees me as the potential one…Miguel & Maximoff likes me…I can blend in with the old timers and the newbies. I don’t think it’s only Alice…I think everyone is as well.

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