Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Light In The Unknown

Rupa-rupanya…this Harriet haven’t got her confirmation yet…as usual, I boldly went and ask Stewart…Stewart said that Captain Johnson did not want to confirm Harriet yet…because during the interview between Harriet & Captain Johnson…Harriet said that Harriet can turnaround the Stationery Department in 3 months time. But, unfortunately...in today’s scenario the sales is dropping. But Stewart already informs Jonas to proceed the matter with the HR Department and Stewart will then talk it over with Captain Johnson. During the interview, Harriet inform Captain Johnson that Harriet manage to turnaround the Stationery Department at The English side and the results can be seen within 3 months time. I also told Stewart, that the same thing happens to me in G13 but the environment and the culture here with The Japanese is totally a different story altogether. Then, I cheekily say thank you to Stewart…Stewart said that I got my confirmation earlier is because Stewart hire me one…hahaha…and also my categories is showing progress…THANK YOU GOD, PRAISE TO THE LORD, BLESS YOU GOD! Hosanna In The Highest!

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