Saturday, September 03, 2016

Dinosaur Jr.

Ur turn

MT & I share 1 same supplier. So, on that particular morning, MT was suppose to meet with that supplier first, then baru my turn.

Earlier on, I have another supplier’s appointment. So, I went outside first. Then our supplier came. I saw MT came out. I saw MT taking out her mobile, assuming that she is going to call the supplier to ask where are they. I saw MT even checking out the waiting room as well. Then, as I was standing up talking to my another supplier and knowing that the supplier that we have in common is sitting a few cubicles behind us…and I saw MT, MT saw me…I directed MT to the back.

I thought once MT’s meeting with the supplier is over…it will be the supplier who will prompt me, mana tahu, it was MT who prompt me. I am surprise with that :)

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