Monday, April 24, 2017

Sushi Lunches

Work Tales / Batu Pahat Stories 005 >> Discoveries! :) Hahaha…

(1) MT listens to BFM, that was the first radio station channel that pops up when she on the radio station in her car.

(2) MT uses a Hello Kitty notebook at work…and she has a Blossom Power Puff Girls doll hanging in her car. As I have forgotten the name, I enquire is that ButterCup, well…apparently I was wrong and MT have to correct me. ButterCup is the green one, the tomboy one…hers is Blossom, the pink one while the blue one is Bubbles.

(3) MT’s parents lives in Section 10, a single storey house…meaning it is in the same taman as S’s family…MT went to Section 4 Raja Muda school for her primary studies…she is my senior, the both of us studied at SMKSSAAS.

(4) Every Thursday night MT will go back to her parent’s house for dinner. As she goes back late, her dad will wait for her and eats together with her, not her mom though.

(5) MT do not buy her clothes from Malaysia’s shopping mall, she hardly goes to shopping mall anyway.

(6) MT has a female cat, a stray cat which she adopted 2 years back. Called Moussy or Moussie…

(7) MT enjoys watching movies, those non-commercial & artsy fartsy genre. Oh, she follows HK TVB too. She watches them over the weekend’s afternoon and sometimes fell asleep while watching the movies…hahaha…

(8) MT loves water sports, she does diving and now she wants to try her hands on surfing, and now planning to go to Indonesia to do that.

(9) MT goes to the MainPlace Subang for her gym sessions, under their residents pass. She said Shucks when I mention to her that I only pay RM83 for my Celebrity Fitness pass because I have Small Ham’s Shell subsidize…hahaha…

(10) MT sends her clothes to the laundry to be iron. Her husband irons his own clothes. She doesn’t let her husband iron her clothes because she claims that her husband is too cincai…hahaha…

(11) This is the best part…MT have OCD…I also told her I have OCD too…hahaha…but I also told MT that if MT can find activities to occupy her or needs her attention more, than she won’t think about her OCD-ness and it can be reduce and manage.

(12) Mak Tiri OCD is very serious leh…she cleans her main door grill because she says that her cat goes through it and she kisses her cat…hahaha…she cannot tahan lizard’s poo poo as well because her cat rubs her body on any surface & she needs to kiss her cat…she cannot stand finger prints on door knobs, thus at home she uses tissue paper to open doors…alamak…she is also very particular with her leg cleanliness…I notice before she goes to bed (MT, Abigail & I were sharing the same room), MT have to rub both her feet before she gets in…hahaha…then at one point…Harriet needed to borrow our washroom (their hotel room was just a few doors across from us), this Harriet did not remove her shoes, MT sort of like look at me, freak out a little and chuckle. And I get it and I told her that I will clean the floor, hilarious…hahaha…MT washes her car, she rarely uses the kitchen; either she eats outside or tapau. And like me, we have to wash our hair every day, no matter how late we come back, we just need to wash our hair. Otherwise, we won’t sleep on the bed. We will sleep on the spare mattress on the floor. MT mention that previously, she used to arrange her clothes according to colors, but now there just are too much clothes, she doesn’t have the time to do it anymore. See, another way to reduce the OCD-ness. Now, it answers why travelling can be a problem for her. She needs to stay in an upper-class place…hahaha…I teased her that she have inherited the OCD genes because apparently…her cousins behave in similar fashion as well…one of her aunts or uncles literally pick up every single hair from the house floor…

(13) Stewart mention that previously Mak Tiri will fork out her own money to stay alone in the hotel room, is not that MT do not want to share a room with anybody…my theory is that the room is just too dirty, because Mak Tiri got shares with us that the room was so dirty, when she was showering, she dare not look elsewhere, only look at one angle only. Therefore, she decides to check out and check in into another hotel room. For this trip, I thought she might not want to share a room with Abigail & myself, but she did. But I also think that she is also a bit kedekut as well…hahaha…

(14) I ask MT what time we will make a move back to KL on Thursday, she said that I should know since that we are on the same wave length. I replied back not quite yet…hahaha…

(15) MT cannot fell asleep easily. She tosses around frequently. And Abigail can really snores.

(16) Then there was this incident, when MT was out from the lift, I accidently press the close button, so the lift doors terkepit her. I said that she will forgive me because she has a big heart. She said that by looking at her small petite frame, I could surely have guess that she have a small heart.

(17) Mak Tiri is also quite an observant person as well…on our way back to our Subang office…it was raining, it was cold, I kept both of my hands underneath the bag…Mak Tiri lower the air conditioning temperature but when she notice that both of my hands is still beneath the bag…she ask…still cold meh

(18) MT’s career progression – The French, The English (Danny pernah under her leh), The Suppliers, G13, The French & The Japanese. When she was working at The Supplier’s side, MT have flexible working hours and was quite free, free until she can go and play mahjong & sing karaoke…

(19) Overall, Mak Tiri is like Ursula! Interesting, yet misunderstood…

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