Sunday, January 26, 2014

brave enough

Sometimes, I am indeed very dong-dong :) The other day, I was having my evening jog. The sky looks dark & gloomy…like it wanted to rain. So, I told GOD – please don’t rain now. Rain later. Let me have my evening run first. Then, I feel there were several droplets of rain, then I decided to patah balik…then it hit me big time…wait a minute, I just prayed to GOD just now; asking HIM not to rain, why am I making a u-turn...I should have more faith in HIM then. So, I continue my run and there was no rain! It really hit me big time. I then realize that I always pray to GOD, GOD did answer my prayers; it was ME who did not have the courage to walk on that take the next continue the journey. I was the root of all my problems. I am paralyzed by my own doing. It was ME who always think that the timing was wrong to switch jobs…sedangkan…perhaps the timing may be right after all. GOD must be laughing his socks off; seeing how fickle minded I am. Aiyo…I really see GOD’s GRACE that day. The thing is…I am like a lot of people out there who don’t realize that there is actually nothing that is really holding us back. GOD – next time – I will ask myself Why Not? GOD – please give me the COURAGE to move forward. I don’t want to be stuck here. Remove my Fear. Remove my Doubts. Remove my Hesitation. Just go for it.

In Christian theology, GRACE has been defined as "the love and mercy given to us by GOD because GOD desires us to have it, not because of anything we have done to earn it".

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