Saturday, January 11, 2014

Good Morning Soldiers

Ursula commented me by saying – want to say that I’m stupid, but I’m also not that stupid, but I’m genuine, I don’t hold myself back, I talk things straight – huh…what does this mean? :( Is this a good thing or a bad thing to receive such pointers from a boss? I can say that things are slightly better now than before. Thank You GOD, Praise To The LORD, Bless You GOD. Things are gradually being put into the right perspective. I’m not there yet. I’m just beginning to get a hang of things at the moment. I still have a long way to go. I know that it will not be an easy ride. I’m not running as in so many directions as like before. Some stability and focus have reign compare to previously. But I know that the day is still young and the journey is still very far ahead. I have openly invited Ursula to jointly participate with me in this voyage. I don't know whether I have make the right decision or not. My old way of doing things have been wrong obviously. I can’t maneuver well and I just hit myself into bricks after bricks. I need to put aside my ego/pride. I need serious help here. Let’s try it in a different approach. Even, Ursula have commented me previously that she likes my honesty & openess and in sharing with her about my department. Other buyers will not do that. Maybe, I am stupid after all :) Well, I have always believe that Bosses needs to know what is going on in the department. But Celtic thinks differently. Celtic thinks that Ursula is such a control freak and I will end up being like Christy :( I like the communication and discussion that Ursula and I are having. Most of the time Ursula is always right and I am always on the wrong side of things. But it stimulates my thoughts to think further and deeper. I admit that I am slow. At times, I can't even match up with Ursula's pace. Perhaps, if I have initiate more of this open dialogue with Leonardo, maybe today’s outcome would have been different. Whether or not we realize it, we are constantly being guided to perceived something the way someone else wants us to see it.

Ursula and I have also moved on to the Stage 2 and Stage 3 of the transformation process. Stage 1 was mostly about Top 100 items, A4 Papers & Files, Top 10 stocks, Top 20 of each major sub-categories, leaflet & press ad promotions, stock ordering, stock availability, stock consistency, stock visibility. Now, in Stage 2 is all about going deeper into the actual stationeries part. Stage 3 will revolve around the supplier's total profitability. Ursula have explained this to me over last Friday evening...but I am still very blur blur about it. I can't really digest the analysis part. I cannot see the whole jigsaw puzzles forming into 1 picture yet. I am still pretty lost here :( Oh GOD, I pray to you that please let Ursula can keep on explaining to me until I can catch the whole concept properly. Please let Ursula to be more patient, gentle with me and on my side, please let me to be more quick & sharp in capturing this new way of building back the business. What's more the 2014 contract season is going to be upon me soon. Arrggh...

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