Tuesday, January 28, 2014

tossed by life’s waves

Sabrina is finally on board. Three perspectives here. Ursula has taken out certain categories from Gerrard & Shawn and giving them to Sabrina. As Sabrina is a newbie, everyone expects that Sabrina will take on a smaller portfolio; but mana tahu…this Sabrina’s portfolio is quite a heavy duty one as well. Pietro thinks that Ursula will not kill off Sabrina because it will reflect badly on her. Celtic thinks that Ursula will kill cold-bloodedly if necessary. I think that Ursula is just being a control freak here. Ursula may not be able to control both Gerrard & Shawn 100%, thus taking out their second highest or biggest portfolio from them and passed it over to Sabrina. Or probably Ursula is just trying to help them to lighten up their work load. Ursula did not offer this portfolio to me. Instead, asking me to swap portfolio with Christy. Thus, I know where I stand here. I am the first to stand in front of the firing line. Anak tiri is memang anak tiri. So, I have to be extra careful from now on. Because Ursula have never thought well of me. If she thinks that I am good enough, she would have given me a much more bigger portfolio, and not thinking of transferring me to a smaller one.

Now, this department re-structuring have caused some uneasiness for Baldwin. Baldwin thinks that there is a double standard going around by The General. Some buyers are taking on more jobs; and some buyers have their work cut out less for them. I will endure this. This is my final year. Make it or break it, I have to go. I will give my best. I will do my best.

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