Sunday, December 13, 2015

Staying With The Pain

Well…the Japanese have yet to give me my Offer Letter yet…Miguel have not make any announcement on the transfer effective date as well…The Witch is unlikely to resign…my salary (apparently is very sky high), so no new job offers at the moment…so what am I going to do? I am going to WAIT. I am going to TRUST GOD!

When we are confronted by a spiritual problem that appears to have no immediate resolution and causes strong emotions to rage within us, there are, as far as I can see, just two options: either to live with the troublesome emotions, as Job did, and wait patiently for God to give a clear answer, in His time…or to replace the confusion with some form of understanding. The first option is often difficult, for it demands something which, especially when we are confused, we find hard to do – trust. The second is a lot easier, but potentially more dangerous, for unless we are careful, it can lead us into accepting solutions that are not solutions.

The pressure to move confidently in the midst of ambiguity and uncertainty and come up with clear answers is a strong one. But we must be careful that we don’t settle for an answer that, although it helps to reduce the level of confusion, is not a real solution. Better to stay with the pain of confusion and uncertainty than to grasp at answers that are not answers because they evade the real problem.

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